
发布时间:2022-01-17 21:24作者:来源: 浏览次数:

12 Papers were awarded as 2021 International Students Excellent Academic Paper by Faculty of Education of SWU


为促进高水平创新成果产出,提升人才培养质量,引导和激励留学生创作和发表具有学术价值及社会价值的高水平论文,2022年1月11日下午17:00,西南大学教育学部在田家炳教育书院504会议室举办了2021年度留学生优秀学术论文颁奖仪式。国际学院院长刘承宇教授,教育学部党委书记王牧华教授,教育学部国际处戴华鹏主任,全英文教研室王雪主任,胡燕娟副教授,唐颖副教授,钟婉娟副教授,留学生2020级班主任李雪垠老师、2018和2021级班主任周玲老师和在校留学生出席颁奖仪式。其他在国外的留学生通过钉钉直播观看了本次仪式。经学生本人申请,留学生优秀学术论文评审专家委员会评审,Sabika Khalid(巴基斯坦)等发表的12篇论文被评为2021年度留学生优秀学术论文。其中,博士研究生组一等奖2篇,二等奖4篇,三等奖4篇;硕士研究生组一等奖和二等奖空缺,三等奖2篇。国际学院院长刘承宇教授和教育学部党委书记王牧华教授为获奖同学颁发了获奖证书。

In order to promote the output of high-level innovations, improve the quality of postgraduate programs, and guide and encourage international students to create and publish high-level papers with both academic and social value, the Faculty of Education of SWU held 2021 Excellent Academic Paper Award Ceremony in room 504 of Tian Jiabing Building, January 11st, 2022. Prof. Liu Chengyu, Dean of International College, Prof. Wang Muhua, Party Secretaty of FoE, Dr. Dai Huapeng, Director of International Center, Dr.Wang Xue, Director of the English-taught Program, Associate Prof. Hu Yanjuan, Associate Prof. Tang Ying, Associate Prof. Zhong Wanjuan, Dr. Li Xueyin, the Head Teacher of Grade 202, Dr. Zhou Ling, the Head Teacher of Grade 2018 & 2021, and all international students of the faculty participated in the event. Other students who are not on campus watch the live stream in Ding Talk. The ceremony started from was hosted by Director Wang Xue.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Professor Wang Muhua delivered a speech. He thanked Prof. Liu for his support to this event and all students’ participation, no matter online or offline. Then he congratulated to the students who won the awards and announced The Decision on Awarding 2021 International Students’ Excellent Academic Papers by the Faculty of Education, SWU and the list of winners.

Then, Prof. Wang Muhua and Prof. Liu Chengyu presented the awards to the winning students respectively. In total, 16 students received the honors.

Sabika Khalid, the representative of the winning students, made a speech. She expressed her sincere gratitude to SWU and Faculty of Education, her supervisor Prof. Yao Jiali, other teachers and students of the faculty. She would continue to work hard to make better achievements.

Afterwards, Prof. Liu Chengyu, the Dean of International College, said that it was the first time that a faculty or college of SWU set up this kind of awards, and he thanked Faculty of Education for their efforts. The award not only represented the achievements of the students, but also the achievements of the professors and the Faculty. He wished everyone to make not only academic achievements, but also more other achievements in the future.

Finally, the teachers and students took a group photo. So far, 2021 excellent academic paper award ceremony for international students of the Faculty of Education has ended successfully.


初审:王   雪



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    The Faculty of Education , Southwest University

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